Concourse Dental Group
If you are ready for a smile that transforms your appearance, Invisalign is your answer.
Widely spaced teeth
What is invisalign
Invisalign is the best way to transform your smile without interfering with your day-to-day life. Although there are many choices out there, no other works as effortlessly as the Invisalign system.
Not only is Invisalign versatile, helping to correct a broad range of dental and orthodontic issues, but it really works. And there are over a million smiles to back that up. But a confident smile isn't the only benefit of correcting your dental issues with custom-made Invisalign aligners—your health can be positively impacted as well.
Not only is Invisalign versatile, helping to correct a broad range of dental and orthodontic issues, but it really works. And there are over a million smiles to back that up. But a confident smile isn't the only benefit of correcting your dental issues with custom-made Invisalign aligners—your health can be positively impacted as well.
HOw does invisalign work
Your Invisalign treatment will consist of a series of “aligners” (trays) that you change about every two weeks. Each aligner is individually manufactured with exact calculations to shift your teeth into place. Your Invisalign aligners are custom-made for your teeth and your teeth only, with a plan devised by you and your dentist, so you know you will end up with your desired smile.
Dr. Jaffer will work with you to create a custom-designed program that will treat your specific dental or orthodontic issue(s). Your treatment program will consist of a full set of aligners, made for you, and only you.
Although Invisalign works very well it should be stressed that, like any other treatment, it has its limitations and may not work for all types of mal-alignment of the teeth . Your dentist and you will determine if you are an ideal candidate for this type of treatment.
If you are not a perfect candidate for Invisalign Dr. Jaffer will refer you to an orthodontist to determine if regular braces are the best option for you.
Although Invisalign works very well it should be stressed that, like any other treatment, it has its limitations and may not work for all types of mal-alignment of the teeth . Your dentist and you will determine if you are an ideal candidate for this type of treatment.
If you are not a perfect candidate for Invisalign Dr. Jaffer will refer you to an orthodontist to determine if regular braces are the best option for you.
What is a crossbite
A cross bite occurs when the upper and lower jaws are both misaligned. It causes one or more upper teeth to bite on the inside of the lower teeth, and can happen on the front and/or the sides of the mouth. This issue can cause wear of the teeth, gum disease, and bone loss.
What causes widely spaced teeth
Widely spaced teeth happen when the size of the teeth do not match the size of the jaw, resulting in spaces between some teeth. When teeth are missing, this issue can also be caused by the other teeth shifting due to extra space. Such issues in teeth can cause periodontal diseases.
What is an underbite
An underbite occurs when the lower front teeth protrude past the upper front teeth. It is usually caused by undergrowth of the upper jaw, overgrowth of the lower jaw, or both. It can also be caused by missing upper teeth. An underbite can prevent the normal function of front teeth or molars leading to tooth wear. It can also cause jaw and joint pain.
Concourse Dental Group Dr. Samira Jaffer 65 Queen Street West Concourse Level, Suite BG1060 Toronto, Ontario M5H 2M5 Phone 416-368-7959 Fax 416-368-5697 [email protected] |